Source code for bask.acquisition

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
from scipy.linalg import cho_solve, cholesky
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state

from bask.utils import get_progress_bar, validate_zeroone

__all__ = [

class Acquisition(ABC):
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):

class UncertaintyAcquisition(Acquisition, ABC):
    def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, **kwargs):

class SampleAcquisition(Acquisition, ABC):
    def __call__(self, gp_sample, *args, **kwargs):

class FullGPAcquisition(Acquisition, ABC):
    def __call__(self, X, gp, *args, **kwargs):

[docs]def evaluate_acquisitions( X, gpr, acquisition_functions=None, n_samples=10, progress=False, random_state=None, **kwargs ): """Run a set of acquisitions functions on a given set of points. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n, d), float Set of points for which to evaluate the acquisition functions gpr : BayesGPR object Gaussian process for which the posterior distribution of the kernel hyperparameters is available. acquisition_functions : list of Acquisition objects List of aquisition functions to evaluate. They each should inherit from one of these: - :class:`FullGPAcquisition` - :class:`UncertaintyAcquisition` - :class:`SampleAcquisition` n_samples : int, default=10 Number of posterior samples to draw from the GP. The acquisition functions will be evaluated for each of the sampled kernels. Exceptions are Acquisition functions inheriting from :class:`FullGPAcquisition`. progress : bool, default=False Show a progress bar random_state : int or RandomState or None, optional, default=None Pseudo random number generator state used for random uniform sampling from lists of possible values instead of scipy.stats distributions. kwargs : dict Any additional keyword arguments are passed on to each acquisition function. Returns ------- acq_output : float ndarray, shape (len(acquisition_functions), len(X)) The acquisition functions evaluated on all of the input points. """ n_cand_points = len(X) n_acqs = len(acquisition_functions) acq_output = np.zeros((n_acqs, n_cand_points)) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) trace_sample_i = random_state.choice(len(gpr.chain_), replace=False, size=n_samples) theta_backup = np.copy(gpr.theta) if gpr.warp_inputs: alphas_backup = np.copy(gpr.warp_alphas_) betas_backup = np.copy(gpr.warp_betas_) X_orig = np.copy(X) validate_zeroone(X_orig) pbar = get_progress_bar(progress, len(trace_sample_i)) for i_acq, acq in enumerate(acquisition_functions): if isinstance(acq, FullGPAcquisition): # We do not apply warping to X here, since the GP is doing that internally out = acq(X, gpr, random_state=random_state, **kwargs) if np.all(np.isfinite(out)): acq_output[i_acq] = out for i in trace_sample_i: if gpr.warp_inputs: warp_params = gpr.chain_[i][len(gpr.kernel_.theta) :] alphas, betas = warp_params[: X.shape[1]], warp_params[X.shape[1] :] gpr.create_warpers(alphas, betas) gpr.rewarp() gpr.theta = gpr.chain_[i][: len(gpr.kernel_.theta)] # We do not apply warping to X here, since predict is already doing so else: gpr.theta = gpr.chain_[i] with gpr.noise_set_to_zero(): mu_generated = False sample_generated = False for j, acq in enumerate(acquisition_functions): if isinstance(acq, UncertaintyAcquisition): if not mu_generated: mu_generated = True mu, std = gpr.predict(X, return_std=True) tmp_out = acq(mu, std, **kwargs) elif isinstance(acq, SampleAcquisition): if not sample_generated: sample_generated = True sample = gpr.sample_y(X, random_state=random_state).flatten() tmp_out = acq(sample, **kwargs) else: continue if np.all(np.isfinite(tmp_out)): acq_output[j] += tmp_out / n_samples pbar.update(1) if gpr.warp_inputs: gpr.create_warpers(alphas_backup, betas_backup) gpr.rewarp() gpr.theta = theta_backup return acq_output
def _ei_f(x): return x * st.norm.cdf(x) + st.norm.pdf(x)
[docs]class ExpectedImprovement(UncertaintyAcquisition): """Select the point maximizing the expected improvement over the current optimum. Parameters ---------- y_opt : float, default=None The value of the current optimum. If it is None, it will use the minimum y value of the evaluated points. """ def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, y_opt=None, **kwargs): if y_opt is None: y_opt = mu.min() values = np.zeros_like(mu) mask = std > 0 inner = (y_opt - mu[mask]) / std[mask] values[mask] = _ei_f(inner) * std[mask] return values
[docs]class TopTwoEI(ExpectedImprovement): """Select the point with the highest expected improvement over the point with the maximum expected improvement overall. Parameters ---------- y_opt : float, default=None The value of the current optimum. If it is None, it will use the minimum y value of the evaluated points. """ def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, y_opt=None, **kwargs): ei = super().__call__(mu, std, *args, y_opt=y_opt, **kwargs) values = np.zeros_like(mu) i_max_ei = np.argmax(ei) mask = std > 0 outer = np.sqrt(np.power(std[mask], 2) + np.power(std[i_max_ei], 2)) inner = (mu[i_max_ei] - mu[mask]) / outer values[mask] = outer * _ei_f(inner) return values
[docs]class Expectation(UncertaintyAcquisition): """Select the point with the lowest estimated mean.""" def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, **kwargs): return -mu
[docs]class LCB(UncertaintyAcquisition): """Select the point with the lowest lower confidence bound. Parameters ---------- alpha : positive float, alpha=1.96 Number of standard errors to substract from the mean estimate. """ def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, alpha=1.96, **kwargs): if alpha == "inf": return std return alpha * std - mu
[docs]class MaxValueSearch(UncertaintyAcquisition): """Select points based on their mutual information with the optimum value. Parameters ---------- n_min_samples : int, default=1000 Number of samples for the optimum distribution References ---------- [1] Wang, Z. & Jegelka, S.. (2017). Max-value Entropy Search for Efficient Bayesian Optimization. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, in PMLR 70:3627-3635 """ def __call__(self, mu, std, *args, n_min_samples=1000, **kwargs): def probf(x): return np.exp(np.sum(st.norm.logcdf((x - mean) / std), axis=0)) # Negative sign, since the original algorithm is defined in terms of the maximum mean = -mu left = np.min(mean - 3 * std) right = np.max(mean + 5 * std) # Binary search for 3 percentiles q1, med, q2 = [ brentq(lambda x: probf(x) - val, left, right,) for val in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75] ] beta = (q1 - q2) / (np.log(np.log(4.0 / 3.0)) - np.log(np.log(4.0))) alpha = med + beta * np.log(np.log(2.0)) max_values = ( -np.log(-np.log(np.random.rand(n_min_samples).astype(np.float32))) * beta + alpha ) gamma = (max_values[None, :] - mean[:, None]) / std[:, None] return ( np.sum( gamma * st.norm().pdf(gamma) / (2.0 * st.norm().cdf(gamma)) - st.norm().logcdf(gamma), axis=1, ) / n_min_samples )
[docs]class ThompsonSampling(SampleAcquisition): """Sample a random function from the GP and select its optimum.""" def __call__(self, gp_sample, *args, **kwargs): return -gp_sample
[docs]class VarianceReduction(FullGPAcquisition): """A criterion which tries to find the region where it can reduce the global variance the most. This criterion is suitable for active learning, where the goal is to uniformly estimate the target function and not only its optimum. """ def __call__(self, X, gp, *args, **kwargs): n = len(X) if gp.warp_inputs: X = gp.warp(X) covs = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): X_train_aug = np.concatenate([gp.X_train_, [X[i]]]) K = gp.kernel_(X_train_aug) if np.iterable(gp.alpha): K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += np.concatenate([gp.alpha, [0.0]]) L = cholesky(K, lower=True) K_trans = gp.kernel_(X, X_train_aug) v = cho_solve((L, True), K_trans.T) cov = covs[i] = np.diag(cov).sum() return covs
[docs]class PVRS(FullGPAcquisition): """Implements the predictive variance reduction search algorithm. The algorithm draws a set of Thompson samples (samples from the optimum distribution) and proposes the point which reduces the predictive variance of these samples the most. References ---------- [1] Nguyen, Vu, et al. "Predictive variance reduction search." Workshop on Bayesian optimization at neural information processing systems (NIPSW). 2017. """ def __call__(self, X, gp, *args, n_thompson=10, random_state=None, **kwargs): n = len(X) thompson_sample = gp.sample_y( X, sample_mean=True, n_samples=n_thompson, random_state=random_state ) # gp.sample_y internally warps the inputs, but now we need to first warp X # such that the thompson_points are considered in the warped space: if gp.warp_inputs: X = gp.warp(X) thompson_points = np.array(X)[np.argmin(thompson_sample, axis=0)] covs = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): X_train_aug = np.concatenate([gp.X_train_, [X[i]]]) K = gp.kernel_(X_train_aug) if np.iterable(gp.alpha): K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += np.concatenate([gp.alpha, [0.0]]) L = cholesky(K, lower=True) K_trans = gp.kernel_(thompson_points, X_train_aug) v = cho_solve((L, True), K_trans.T) cov = covs[i] = np.diag(cov).sum() return covs